Restoration Update – 13.04.19
Working between Live Stage Performances, Screenings, Wedding and Events our expert contractors are doing a fabulous job of making the right hand side of The Plaza watertight behind what has become affectionately known as The Vegas Lounge curtain!
Behind and beneath the shimmering gold sheen of cloth that covers the right hand wall the plasterwork which was restored in works commencing in 2009 has been removed with some of the key mouldings kept in storage by plaster specialists Ornate Interiors to be reinstalled or recreated when final works are finished in approximately a months time.
Wooden stud work has been afixed to the wall to enable the commencement of the waterproof tanking membrane with the aim that this will resolve current issues that have arisen on this side of the auditorium.
The Plaza is built into and under the ground/cliff edge of the sandstone cliffs that originally nestled around the River Mersey, water finds its way through rock faces and in the last few years the water ingress has reached a level that remedial and restorative repairs were required.
Alongside the tanking, a storage pit has been excavated to create a location for a permanent Sump Pump that during heavy rainfall as waters are directed into a storage tank will be activated and drain the water away and into the drainage system under the venue.
These works should be completed in the next few weeks after which the stage and left hand side of the auditorium works will be scheduled into our diary which through the gerenous support of fund givers after shows, during events and here on line has enabled us to make the repairs required to ensure that The Plaza continues to serve you and her community for many more years to come.

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